Saturday, January 8, 2011

JBH v2.011

We've certainly been praising God for a lot at the Jaffrey Bible House! Here's the highlights:

1) Someone donated a T-Shirt press which means we'll be able to print our own tees! Not quite as high-speed as others perhaps, and we're still learning how to not burn the building down, but a fantastic blessing nonetheless!

2) We now have about two dozen DVD titles available to rent next week. Be in prayer with us over this, as we have a call in trying to determine if we need a license to do this. If you have input, drop us a line and let us know! The way this will work is as follows: You come in and pay $15 to become a Jaffrey Bible House Member. We'll fill out a little notecard with some basic information (name, phone number, address) for future use in mailings and fun things like that. After that you'll be able to rent any DVD we have (no more than two at a time) for $1 each for a week. We're not Blockbuster, but that's not a bad thing.

3) Along with the T-Shirt press we received lots of shirts and sweaters. Lots. Stop by and you can browse through them, $5 for a tee and $7 for a sweater. There's some really great designs in there!

4) We will be having some prayer time on Tuesday (1-11-11!) from 6-7pm. For anyone who can't make it to our Friday time (12-1pm) this is a great opportunity to come praise the Lord with us!

5) As more and more folks are hearing about us (have you seen our display in the bank yet?) and trying to figure out what we're all about, please pray that God gets all the glory. This whole adventure is His: His Word to His people for His purposes by His grace - He certainly didn't need our help!

6) We'll be moving some things around in the store so we can have a small study area, a coffee station and a little better accomodation for prayer meetings. Anyone with some folding chairs in decent condition that need a home need look no further - we'd love them! No more than half a dozen though, otherwise we start to have firecode issues.

7) We're still on the hunt for a bible engraver. If anyone has any leads on one, please let us know - they can be expensive but it often makes a difference between "a bible" and "My Bible".

That's about it for now, thanks again so much for your prayers and support! That the God of all creation saw fit before ever speaking a thing into existence that Jaffrey Bible House would be here... that's awesome! He's awesome!


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